Across the mist-shrouded peaks, verdant glens and velvet moors of Scotland, and through the unsurpassed natural beauty of Norway’s mighty fjords, experience the enduring legacies of Viking and Celtic clans.
On this unforgettable sea journey, step inside sacred ancient abbeys, Viking cathedrals and legendary castles; and glide alongside majestic fjords aboard the breathtaking Flåm Railway. Fall under the spell of the emerald teardrop Isle of Iona; the archipelago of the sandstone-rimmed Orkney Islands; and the spectacular bird life, blue lochs and famous ponies of the Shetland Islands.
Aboard the luxurious World Traveller, this exclusive travel program takes you to destinations of wild beauty you’ll never forget.
Enhance this fabulous exploration with the Edinburgh and Glasgow Pre-Tour Extension Option and/or the Norway and Copenhagen Post‑TourExtension Option.